Cape Verde mobile phone access drops

23 August 2019

The number of Cape Verdeans with mobile phone access in 2018 was at its lowest level in the last three years.

According to the BMI 2018 report published by INE, approximately 70.4% of the population had at least one mobile device, compared to 74.2% the previous year.

Almost a quarter (22.1%) of Cape Verdean children aged between 10 and 14 years had a personal mobile phone at the end of 2018. 

Elsewhere, fixed telephony access continued to fall, being present in only 20.7% of households and down by 10.3 percentage points compared to 2014. 

The BMI 2018 also found that 37% of households had at least one PC. Of the 156,582 households, 70.1% had internet access at home, mainly via mobile phone (67.8%).