08 November 2019

Navtex is a navigational system used on board the vessels to provide short range maritime safety information on coastal waters
Telecom Namibia and the Ministry of Works and Transport have inaugurated a navigational telex (Navtex) station to the tune of N$7.5m at Walvis Bay.
The first of its kind in Africa, the station provides navigational and meteorological warnings, forecasts and maritime safety information to ships.
Furthermore, it has helped the southern African nation reach global maritime safety standards which is considered a major milestone for the country as a coastal state and budding maritime logistics hub.
Navtex, is a navigational system used on board the vessels to provide short range maritime safety information on coastal waters.
It also forms part of the global maritime distress and safety system, which was developed by the International Maritime Organization.
The system was developed to save lives at sea by modernizing and enhancing the maritime radio communications system through satellite and digital selective calling technology.
Unlike the old maritime radio communication services, the global maritime distress and safety system provides a more effective distress alerting service.
“I have no doubt that the investment into this state-of-the-art system will not only up our game in safety on our shores but keeps us compliant with international standards,” said Walvis Bay deputy mayor, Penelope Martin-Louw.
Fernando Somaeb, chairperson of TN said that delivering infrastructure installations and upgrades highlighted on the national agenda across the various sectors of the domestic economy is a key priority for the company.
“Telecom Namibia has always strived to provide advanced and reliable services to the Namibian nation and visitors to the country,” Somaeb said.
“Neighbouring countries rely on the sound performance of their networks and infrastructure to further provide services to users of information and communications technology services in their countries. In this case, ships in transit through Namibian waters would have the assurance that their communication would reach the Namibian contact centre.”