World Bank to increase support to Guinea’s ICT

04 August 2023

The World Bank plans to increase its financial support to Guinea in the field of the digital economy, reports Ousmane Diagana, vice-president of the Bretton Woods institution, after a working session with the Guinean prime minister, Bernard Goumou.

World Bank financing was, for a very long time, oriented towards road infrastructure or energy. However, the digital economy can not only accelerate the socio-economic development of Guinea, but also promote the chances of access for all citizens to several services.

The World Bank’s support is expected to accelerate the Guinean government’s digital transformation ambitions. Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, head of state, president of the transition, decreed in April 2022 the creation of a National Agency for the digitalization of the State. Its main mission is the implementation of the policy of government programs and projects, in terms of the digital transformation of the State.

The Guinean government’s main digital projects include the construction of a digital village, the extension of the national fibre optic network, the connection of the country to new international fibre optic submarine cables, the launch of the public company of telecommunications Guinea Telecom, the digitization of the administration and various public services, and the connection of 300 schools and certain universities to the internet.